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A Tarot Spread for the New Year

Gathering in Kensington Market, getting ready to head out for Solstice Parade

Gathering in Kensington Market, getting ready to head out for Solstice Parade

Last night I renewed my love affair with Toronto. Sometimes I get tired of living here…it’s cold, the transit system is lousy, the mundane and the spiritual aspects of life are so firmly separated, and did I mention the cold…but last night I again felt grateful and blessed to live here. For last night I went to the 25th Annual Kensington Market Solstice Festival. What a magical event! It’s created each year by Red Pepper Spectacle Arts, a not for profit group that co-creates and facilitates multi-disciplinary collaborative arts engagement cross-culturally and primarily within the Native Community.

Red Pepper Spectacle Arts – 25th Annual Solstice Parade

It’s right out of a fairy tale, a fable, an ancient myth…fire-breathers on stilts, otherworldly puppets of wise owl, trickster fox, industrious beaver, a community parade accompanied by samba music, winding through the cold, narrow streets of Kensington Market, culminating in the park for the fiery finale when we embrace the darkness and welcome back the light.

Fiery finale at Red Pepper Spectacle Arts Kensington Solstice Fest 2014

Fiery finale at Red Pepper Spectacle Arts Kensington Solstice Fest 2014

Thinking about the New Year…

After this beautiful event, I felt very introspective. OK, after my feet had warmed up, my core temperature got back to normal, and I had a snack, I felt very introspective. I started to think about what this past year has meant to me, and what I am hoping for in 2015. This has been a year of ups and downs for me…lots of excitement and anxiety…feeling grateful, overwhelmed, nervous and ambitious. So, I thought about what I’d like to ask my Tarot cards as we flow towards the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015.

A Tarot Spread for the New Year

This is the spread that I designed for myself, to find some clarity and resolution as far as the events of 2014, and to focus my goals for 2015:

1. Important thing to know about the outgoing year

2. What to keep from the outgoing year

3. What to let go from the outgoing year

4. What Do I need to focus on in the New Year?

5. My Goals for the New Year

6. What will help me reach my goals

7. What could hinder me

8. What I need to know about my relationship

9. What I need to know about my family

10. What I need to know about my career

11. A Message from the Cards about what 2015 will bring

12. A Card to inspire me throughout 2015

New Year Tarot spread

New Year Tarot spread

The twelve card spread just seemed natural to me when asking about the new year, so I also tend to look at these cards as representing the months of the year, in addition to their assigned places.

Look within, look ahead…

During this busy holiday season, before we reach January 1st, 2015, take a moment and reflect. Think about all you have achieved, how you have grown, honour what you have lost, acknowledge any regrets…think about all you want to achieve in the new year, how you want to grow and develop, look within to find a plan that will put you on the path that will lead you to happiness.

Happy Holidays and Best Wishes to All! Embrace the magic that’s all around you!

Magical Inner Goddess Tarot


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