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Learning Tarot: The Power of the Group

I am not naturally a group kind of person. Not to say that I’m antisocial, but I am an introvert, and I don’t naturally thrive in large group situations like seminars or conferences. I don’t always want to share my feelings, reveal my innermost thoughts, or go around the room in a circle and introduce myself. The words, “OK, now everyone find a partner!” still provoke a fight or flight reaction, but I have to admit that with each experience I’m getting more comfortable and confident.

Sometimes I feel like a Hermit and just want to hang out with Willow.

Sometimes I feel like a Hermit and just want to hang out with Willow.

I know it’s silly, and I am always angry with myself when I don’t participate fully, because those partner and group experiences usually turn out to be very powerful, but I have to fight that initial reaction of panic or resistance.

So, if you are learning Tarot, I encourage you to study on your own, of course, but also to go beyond your comfort zone and seek out your Tarot tribe for support, inspiration and community. Here’s some ideas about how to do that!

1. Seek out a local Tarot club or meet up group.

Metaphysical or healing shops often have informal, free or inexpensive Tarot clubs or meetup groups, where people of all levels of Tarot knowledge are welcome. Of course there are many wonderful Tarot forums (Aeclectic Tarot’s forum is terrific!) and Facebook groups, and I encourage you join those as well, but try to get yourself actually in a room physically together with your Tarot tribe. This is a chance to learn, realize how much you already know, and get some experience doing readings for others. If you’re in Toronto, the Wonderworks Tarot Circle is a lovely, supportive group. If you’re ready to take the plunge into the big time, the Readers Studio conference in New York is nirvana for Tarot lovers.

Wonderworks Tarot Circle, meets monthly in Toronto

Wonderworks Tarot Circle, meets monthly in Toronto

2. Think beyond Tarot, how about a meditation group?

If you want to deepen your relationship with your cards through meditation, but are having trouble getting started or can’t seem to sit still on your own, try a group meditation situation. I find that when I do a guided meditation or visualization with a group, it is effortless to shift into that other state, and to go deep. I have had some of my most powerful meditation experiences and revelations in group settings. Do a little research to find a group that resonates with you (and doesn’t have a particular or hidden agenda), starting with local yoga studios is usually a good way to go.

3. Take a Tarot class.

As I have said before, I am a strong advocate of traditional study, and I did a lot of my Tarot learning on my own with the books of  Mary K. Greer and Rachel Pollack. That being said, taking a Tarot class or workshop can also bring you a lot of insight, is fun, and helps to get you away from the books every once in a while. If you’re in Toronto, I’m offering a Tarot intro class on June 20, 2015, please join us! I’d also love to hear from you about future workshop topics or courses that you would get excited about!

4. This one’s for the introverts, a little inspiration when you need a time out!

You know how I mentioned that feeling of RESISTANCE to group situations…well, I was given a wonderful little book by my parents called The War of Artby Steven Pressfield that I’m finding funny, useful and illuminating. The author talks about that force of resistance, and how it can get in the way of happiness and creative expression. Pressfield says that the stronger that feeling of resistance is, the more important it is to break through, the more fulfilling the results will be. So, when I’m feeling the fear, or lethargy, or resistance to something that my heart knows would be really good for me, I pick up this book for a kick in the pants.

I find this works for me: I make sure that I give myself enough alone time, enough time to think and write and dream on my own, BUT I also push myself to go out into the world, to join those Tarot clubs, to keep on exploring networking groups, and finding places where I can meet and learn from kindred spirits. Sure, sometimes its fine to stay home with that book or dive into the world of Netflix, but don’t allow yourself to make this your usual routine. Push past the resistance, and you will experience something magical…the power of the group.

Take that chance, put yourself out there!

Take that chance, put yourself out there!

Need some quiet, introvert-style guidance on how to find the confidence to move forward, to put yourself out there? Try one of my email readings…private, discreet, reflective, practical and helpful.

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