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Author Archive | innergoddesstarot

Eight of Swords Tarot card

Stress and the Impact on Your Intuition

The more stressed out I get, the less my intuition flows. My thinking brain stages a hostile takeover, I start to second guess every decision, and matters of very little importance become monumental and overwhelming. When I am stressed, I doubt my confidence and the sound of my own inner voice. I try to control […]

Golden art nouveau tarot cards career spread

How Tarot Can Help You With Your Career Goals

Most of my Tarot clients are women. Mature women, accomplished women, ambitious women who have figured quite a few things out. More often than not, they are coming to see me because they have questions around their career on their minds. The questions usually fall in these areas: You have a particular career goal that […]

Tarot spread to replenish yourself

Checking in with the Tarot – what do I need to do for myself today?

As I’m writing this, I am so tired. Happy, but tired. October is GO time for Tarot readers. Private clients, events, classes… And, I’ve been really busy officiating lovely Autumn weddings. It’s Monday. I worked all weekend, teaching Tarot and marrying some lovely people. I’m sitting here at the computer, determined to write something, but […]