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Put some Love out into the World with Tarot: A Spread

Lori Lytle Inner Goddess TarotI feel low level anxiety humming in the background everywhere these days. I often find myself with a knot in my stomach even though I can’t exactly say why. It’s been this way since he-who-shall-not-be-named was elected. I’ve tried to wean myself off the constant news, Facebook reckoning and (hilariously clever) Twitter contributions, but its hard to turn away. I find myself dreading what unfathomable thing will happen next. I take action where I can and am not shy to speak my mind, but I often feel at a loss because the situation is so vast and far-reaching.

In the midst of this atmosphere, I was prepping for an event that I co-facilitate with Rochelle Holt, at her beautiful mind-body-spirit healing oasis in Toronto, called Wonderworks. We’ve been doing a series of gatherings called The Witch is IN, blending Rochelle’s wisdom as a witch and my Tarot skills. Each one includes some kind of potion making (oils, incense, aromatherapy sprays), a group Tarot reading, a ritual, capped off with a communal feast. Our theme for this particular event was The Witch is IN: A Love-In. The idea was to create an atmosphere of loving kindness for ourselves, our families and communities, and the world, to celebrate love and to find a way to dissipate some of that heavy, anxious energy. The timing couldn’t have been better.

With this in mind, I created this spread for our gathering, with the intention of weaving it and reading it together as a group, but it is easy and natural to do it on your own as well.

Co-Create A Vision of Love for Ourselves, Our Community, and the World with Tarot

  • First, pull the following Major Arcana cards from your deck and lay them out in a row: The Empress, the Lovers, Strength, Justice, Judgement, and The World.
  • Ideally, use another complete deck for the next step, but if you don’t have one handy, just work with the one you drew the previous cards from.
  • If you are in a group, ask everyone to breathe, shuffle, and select one card from their deck, leaving it face down. If you are on your own, draw 6 cards and leave them face down.
  • Without looking at the face down cards, place each card next to the Major card that calls most to you. If some of the Majors end up with more than one card, or some end up with none, that’s just fine. The idea is that the cards pulled give us more information about what those Majors represent, and tell us how we can take constructive action.
  • Turn all of the cards face up, and interpret them in the following way:

The Empress: How can we honor and love ourselves more fully?

The Lovers: How can we honor and love our partners (present or future) more fully?

Strength: How can we be strong and yet compassionate with our families and communities?

Justice: How can we encourage more justice and equality in the world?

Judgement: How can we awaken and create a new vision for the future?

The World: How can we each contribute love, equality and compassion to the world most fully?

Here is the abridged version of our group spread (no names or personal details included):

Tarot spread for universal love and compassion

The Empress: How can we honor and love ourselves more fully? The Chariot – Take control of our own path, follow our own star, go strongly after our goals, own our authority, personal power and independence. No second guessing or being derailed by other people or circumstances.

The Lovers: How can we honor and love our partners (present or future) more fully? Eight of Pentacles – relationships can be hard work! Put in the necessary effort day by day, it won’t be wasted. Everyday can’t be like what we see in that glorious Lovers card. (Love it when the cards have a sense of humor!).

Strength: How can we be strong and yet compassionate with our families and communities? The Star and The World – heal yourself and care for yourself so that you are able to support those around you, offer gentleness and forgiveness, to yourself and others.

Justice: How can we encourage more justice and equality in the world? No additional card selected. This emphasized the message that we see in Justice, no clarification was necessary. Issues of justice and equality need our full attention at this time, it won’t serve us well to waiver, or to look away. It is time to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions, to act with integrity, to speak out against injustice, and to understand how the system works so that we can work within it and resist it when necessary.

Judgement: How can we awaken and create a new vision for the future? The Moon – we are asking how to awaken, and we receive the card of dreams! Be open to messages from our subconscious and our intuition, keep going forward even when the path is shadowy and unclear.

The World: How can we each contribute love, equality and compassion to the world most fully? King of Wands – have vision and look to the future, but don’t neglect to take action! Be full of passion, be determined, and harness this energy so it doesn’t lead into aggression or impatience. Be a fair and responsible leader in your own life.

As an aside, it is interesting to do this with a group, when people may be using different types of Tarot decks, as this can spark different insights and interpretation.

I found that this spread worked really well with our group, the energy was uplifting and we felt calm and centered after the experience. Some of the members had little or no Tarot knowledge, some were quite proficient, and it all balanced out elegantly. Doing it as a group, the themes that came out were quite universal, lots of Major cards. I also tried this spread on my own, and was able to take it to a more personal place, to hone in on a message that was deeply related to me personally and provided more practical or focused action steps.

Being conscious of current events and taking action every day in the world right now is crucial. Just as important is the energy and intention that we send out. The cards can help us to focus our thoughts, clarify our intentions, while bringing a sense of peace, humor and connection with the divine. Take care of yourselves, my friends, and keep putting your light out into the world!

In Toronto? The next Witch is IN event is March 25 in honor of Spring and Ostara, followed by April 22 celebrating Earth Magic for Earth Day. More info coming soon here, and at Wonderworks.

Book a reading with me – a great way to flow into Spring with clarity and inspiration! In person/Skype available, as well as a variety of awesome email readings. Contact me today.

One Response to Put some Love out into the World with Tarot: A Spread

  1. Akanshaa Kumar May 8, 2017 at 3:14 am #

    Thanks for sharing such a beautiful method and reading. I’m definitely gonna share this with my group. I really loved the way you have covered each and every part/topic of the reading. Thanks for sharing

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