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A Tarot Spread for the Summer Solstice

June 21st, 2018 marks the Summer Solstice here in our dear Northern Hemisphere, also celebrated as Midsummer and Litha.

The Sun Tarot Card

The Summer Solstice is a magical time on many levels. Living in the north, most of us long for this day, for the official coming of summer, of warmth, ease, freedom. This is a time when the sun stands still at its highest point in the sky, and we can pause, and bask in the light of the longest day of the year.

The Solstice is a time when our wishes and desires really start to speak to us. They come out of the shadows and into the forefront of our hearts and minds, they want to be acknowledged and be allowed to shine like the Sun. As we approach the Solstice, we have the opportunity to get fired up, to explore what we are really passionate about and to set intentions and goals for the months ahead. This is a time of fertility, a good time to feed the areas of our lives that we want to grow and flourish.

As a legal wedding officiant and celebrant, this is a busy time of year for me! This is a favorite time for couples to tie the knot, or to enact a formal ritual to mark or renew a commitment that has been growing over time.

The Summer Solstice can also be an uncomfortable time for some of us. I love the heat, I feel at home in tropical climates and relish the ease of summer. And yet, on a universal level I am much more comfortable in the world of the Moon, the inner, quiet places, places where I can feel safe to reveal my true nature. It may be a challenge for us Lunar people to open ourselves up to the Sun, but the rewards can be great. Call upon the energy of the Solstice to expand, to stretch yourself, to reveal your glory to the world.

And of course, the Solstice is also a wonderful time to consult the Tarot.

Rise with the Sun, let your cards bask in the light, and see how they speak to you.

Here is a spread I created this year in honor of the occasion:

Summer Solstice Tarot Spread

I’m going to work with this spread myself on the morning of June 21. I’ll open my Lunar heart to the light of the Sun, I’ll make room in my Goddess practice to honor the energy of the God as well, and see what shines forth!

Give this spread a try, and let me know what is revealed for you.

Wishing you much joy, love and discovery this Solstice!


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