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Lori Lytle Inner Goddess Tarot

Put some Love out into the World with Tarot: A Spread

I feel low level anxiety humming in the background everywhere these days. I often find myself with a knot in my stomach even though I can’t exactly say why. It’s been this way since he-who-shall-not-be-named was elected. I’ve tried to wean myself off the constant news, Facebook reckoning and (hilariously clever) Twitter contributions, but its hard to […]

Love Candy Hearts

Tarot and LOVE: Tips on how to include the Tarot in matters of the heart

I love Valentine’s Day. I love romance and flowers and champagne and all that good stuff. You can argue all you like about the commercialism of February 14th, but I will defend all things Valentine with all my heart and soul. Whether you are in a wonderful relationship, looking for love, or happily single, the […]