Do you ever have certain Tarot cards that keep turning up for you, over and over, during a certain period of time, or when you’re going through a particular situation?
These cards appear in your readings, and you may also see them in the world around you. Their symbols show up in mundane places, you sense their energy in the words that people say to you, the books you happen to pick up to read, the music you hear. When this happens, the universe is trying to get your attention, and those cards have a message that you need to hear.
When those repeating and persistent “stalker” cards start making their appearance:
- Pay attention to the cards that come up for you in your daily draws or the readings you do for yourself (or that others do for you). Note them down, so that you can be sure that a particular card is coming up again and again, and it’s not just in your imagination.
- Ask them why they are appearing. Have a conversation with the figure on the card, do a meditation that allows you to go into the card and experience its energy.
- Ask for a dream to be sent to you that will give you insight into your card(s) and the message
- Do a Tarot reading asking why that card keeps coming up and what its message is for you.
- Watch for signs and symbols around you, not just in the cards. The Tarot may be your primary tool, but the universe is adept at delivering those messages in a multitude of ways, if we’re open to it.
Is there a card or cards that have been trying to get your attention recently? What is the message they have for you?