I discovered Orbital Arts Gallery at a time in my life when everything felt magical (it still does, but it was different then, and new). I should say Orbital Arts found me, and pulled me in. I was in grad school studying something not so practical, while living in what I thought was the coolest neighborhood in Toronto. I got to walk home through my favorite part of the city, Kensington Market, an eclectic village that always made me feel like I’d been transported to another world that I wanted to stay in.
That day, I noticed this beautiful shop, painted in dreamy colors, with artwork so alive it seemed to move in the windows, presided over by a large All Seeing Eye. Out front of the shop there was a small, round table with Medusa’s face on it, staring at me, calling me over. Even though I was loaded down with textbooks and I still had a good 15 minute walk ahead of me, I bought that table and carried it home (and more than 20 years later I still have it).
Memory plays tricks on you, but I remember the feeling, if not the exact details, of that day. I knew I’d found somewhere special, and I knew that Leo Scopacasa’s artwork, the owner of Orbital Arts, had resonated and sung to my soul. Leo himself, well, he radiates compassion, love and calm, and he made me feel welcome and that I was in just the right place.
I’ve returned to Orbital Arts many times over the years, and Leo has made amazing pieces for me. A couple of years ago though, an idea started to form in my mind. I imagined an Orbital Arts Tarot deck, I dreamed of it, I wished for it. I never thought that I could be a part of creating that deck, until suddenly, I DID. I approached Leo with the idea, at what turned out to be a magical and synchronistic moment, and things started happening from there.
I don’t want to reveal too much yet, more stories will come, but this gives you a taste of the origin story of the Unifying Consciousness Tarot.
We start with the artwork that Leo creates. Embedded with in it is the vibration of LOVE, the highest of vibrations, and we can access that vibration simply as a viewer of the art itself. It activates our awareness of the universal spiritual consciousness that we all share. Leo calls it ACTIVATION ART.
As a Tarot reader, I am collaborating with Leo to translate or transmute his artwork into a Tarot deck that uplifts and activates everyone who works with it. This deck is a tool that you can use actively for understanding yourself, empowering yourself, and connecting with the unifying power of love.
The deck is rooted in the knowledge that we are all one, we are all divine, and we are all eternal.
The human experience is an epic adventure. We come into this world to learn, to play, to triumph, to have our hearts broken and most of all, to love. We forget our eternal nature when we take on our physical forms, we make ourselves small, or believe ourselves to be small and separate. The Unifying Consciousness Tarot will help you to burst that all wide open, to help you to see and explore the vast universe within yourself, to learn about who, and remember what, you really are and to revel in it all.
I love the Tarot, its structure and its symbolism, so we are staying true to that, while taking it to a universal and inclusive place, and including some surprises and innovations. This is a deck that you can use, it reads beautifully, whether you’re a beginner or seasoned pro.
We are introducing the Unifying Consciousness Tarot to you today to invite you to take part in the journey of its creation. Over the next few months, we will finalize the imagery of the deck, complete the companion book, and then in Spring 2022 we’ll officially launch our Kickstarter campaign.
Please join us on this adventure. Sign up here to join our mailing list, and get first looks at the images and the words, share your suggestions and dreams and ideas with us.