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Archive | Tarot Spreads

Tarot spread to replenish yourself

Checking in with the Tarot – what do I need to do for myself today?

As I’m writing this, I am so tired. Happy, but tired. October is GO time for Tarot readers. Private clients, events, classes… And, I’ve been really busy officiating lovely Autumn weddings. It’s Monday. I worked all weekend, teaching Tarot and marrying some lovely people. I’m sitting here at the computer, determined to write something, but […]

The Sun

Celebrating the Solstice with Tarot

June 21st, 2019 marks the Summer Solstice here in our dear Northern Hemisphere, also celebrated as Midsummer and Litha. The Solstice marks the longest day and the shortest night of the year. What do you think of when I say, “That was one of the longest days of my life.”? Negative connotations arise, don’t they? […]


Talismans, Amulets and Tarot: A Powerful Combination

I’ve always had a thing for graven images. I surround myself with representations of Goddesses and other divine guides, helpers and deities. This passion also translates into a love of jewelry depicting Goddesses, symbols and incorporating gemstones. I wear at least one talisman or amulet daily, carefully selected for their energy and purpose. I’ve always […]

Lori Lytle Inner Goddess Tarot

I’m a Fool for Love and Tarot

I love Valentine’s Day. I know, I know, there are those of you out there who hate it, who say its commercial and contrived, that it makes single people feel alienated and judged and makes people who are in a relationship feel pressured or obligated. I hear you. I understand where you are coming from […]