Your 2020 year card

Reflecting Back on your 2020 Tarot Year Card

November 30, 2020

We have finally reached the last month of 2020.

I don’t want to celebrate the end of the year too soon. I don’t want to express any hubris or tempt the Fates.

But, I will be happy to see this year go, and to start 2021 with hope and determination.

At this time of year, I reflect back on my Tarot year card, so that I can start to get an understanding of how it manifested itself throughout the year that is coming to a close. I make note of the lessons that I learned, and still need to fully assimilate. I explore the challenges that arose for me, and how I did at navigating them.

I do this wrap up to prepare for the coming of the New Year, and for making the most of the energy of my new Year card.

Your Tarot Year Card gives you profound insight into the energies that will be surrounding you for the coming months, and helps you to get the most out of the of the lessons and experiences that are waiting for you. And, by reflecting back on your Year card as that year comes to a close, you will gain even deeper and more useful insights.

If you don’t know what your 2020 and 2021 Year Cards are, here’s how to figure that out (and I highly recommend diving into “Who are You in the Tarot” by Mary K. Greer for more depth).

Add the month and day of your birth to the current year as you see in the graphics below. The resulting number corresponds with a Major Arcana card. Always keep the highest number under 23 (in this case The Fool corresponds with 22.).

Your 2020 year card

Of course you can find out what your 2021 year card is by subbing in “2021” where you see 2020 in that graphic. Or any year for that matter.

My 2020 year card has been The Lovers.

Here’s what I speculated about that in December 2019.

It all rings true.

“I believe that one of the biggest challenges and lessons in the year ahead will be making decisions from a place of love, rather than a place of fear.” – Lori in 2019.

Yes indeed. This year was an epic lesson in making decisions out of love, and not succumbing to fear. On the grander stage, there was much talk about not “living in fear”, in regards to mask-wearing and lockdowns. To me, this is completely backward and messed up. The choice to do all that you can to keep other human beings safe is not living in fear, it is living in compassion and love.

On a personal note, 2020 made me even more keenly aware of how precious my loved ones are to me. The challenges we have all been facing helped me to understand how to live in a more authentic way, in greater alignment with what really matters to me and who I am.

Next year, 2021, is a Chariot year for me. I am relishing the thought of forward movement, renewed determination and self-discipline, and achieving my goals. I’m creating a map for 2021 now, to keep that Chariot on track.

What is your 2020 Year Card? How did it manifest for you?

Ask yourself:

  • What is the main lesson that my Year Card had for me?
  • What was the most challenging aspect of the energy of my Year Card?
  • What was the most enriching aspect of the energy of my Year Card?
  • How has my 2020 Year card prepared me for 2021?

Wishing you a beautiful year ahead.