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I’m a Fool for Love and Tarot

I love Valentine’s Day.

Lori Lytle Inner Goddess Tarot

I know, I know, there are those of you out there who hate it, who say its commercial and contrived, that it makes single people feel alienated and judged and makes people who are in a relationship feel pressured or obligated.

I hear you. I understand where you are coming from and that all of the above is quite true in many cases.

And yet, I love Valentine’s Day.

This is a day when romance rules supreme, when you may feel free to make an uncharacteristically grand romantic gesture, to watch a sappy movie without guilt, to eat copious amounts of chocolate, to smell some roses, and to just celebrate love in all its forms.

Tarot can be your best friend on this day, whether you’re happily single, looking for love, or in a relationship. The cards can help you to check in with your own heart, to puzzle through any romantic dilemmas, to give you an idea of how to invite deep love into your life.

Love is complex, but here I’m going to keep it really simple. Here’s a little Tarot spread you can do on Valentine’s Day, to check in with your heart, and send a little love to yourself and out into the world.

Card #1: What does my heart need from me right now? – Do you need to honor your own inner voice? Do you need to slow down? Take action? End something? Start something? Seek something? What NEED is your heart and soul expressing in this card?

Card #2: How can I give my heart what it needs? – Once you hear the message of Card #1, take action! Card #2 gives you an idea of what you can do in regards to Card #1, how you can navigate the situation. What action do you see in this card? Get as concrete as you can.

Card #3: Who has a message of love for me today? – Does this look like your partner? Someone else in your life? A friend or colleague? Is this a departed loved one? A family member? A spirit guide? A yet unrevealed admirer? Who do you see in this card?

Card #4: What is that message? – read the message of love that you see in the card. If it feels right, accept it. Do you need to thank this person directly? Or just put some gratitude out into the universe? Does this give you an idea of an action to take? Do what your heart tells you to do.

Give this spread a try and let me know how it goes. Post your cards on Instagram if you want to share, and tag me #innergoddesstarot. I’ll send some love your way, and give you my thoughts on your cards.

Happy Valentine’s Day – show yourself some LOVE!

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