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How many of these apply to YOU?

How many of these apply to YOU:

  • I’m an introvert and an overthinker.

  • I’m a wild eternal optimist who also sinks to deep lows when my optimism doesn’t pan out (but I always bounce back up again).

  • I am powerful, and brave, but sometimes I forget that.

  • I’m a dreamer, procrastinator and perfectionist.

  • I’m both mystical and practical in my approach to life.

All of the above? ME TOO.

Welcome, kindred spirit!

In the grand scheme of things, life is good and I am so grateful for so many blessings.

On the practical side of things, right now I’m dealing with an unexpectedly challenging situation that is sapping my energy and time. Actually, I can’t say unexpected really, since the Ten of Wands came up around it, so I went into this with my eyes open but filled with that starry-eyed optimism I mentioned. (And, with an uncanny knack of making things more complicated than they need to be.)

Whenever my anxiety around this particular situation, or any situation, gets the better of me, I start shuffling those cards.

Reading Tarot always soothes my soul and helps me to remember my power and capability. It is a meditation, a prayer, a connection with divine source, and an intellectual exercise that fires up my synapses.

Reading for myself, I get the perspective I need, insight into the most beneficial next steps, and my sense of humor back.

Reading for clients, I am immersed in the joy and flow of doing that work, in helping them to find that perspective, next steps and inspiration.

The Tarot doesn’t help you to control or manipulate a situation, and it doesn’t ask you to try to control or manipulate the situation. Instead, it gives you the bigger picture view, puts things into perspective, and offers ways to navigate challenges that you may not be seeing when you are in the thick of it. The cards remind you of who you are, and what you can do.

The cards are our cheerleaders that also dish out some tough love. They inspire, give you a reality check, and let you know when there is something that you just have to let go of.

And that’s pretty magical, right?

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