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Learning Tarot: The Importance of Grounding and Centering Yourself

Very atmospheric space to read Tarot in at my recent corporate event!
Very atmospheric space to read Tarot in at my recent corporate event!

Staying Centered, Staying Grounded

Over the weekend I read Tarot at two events, one corporate, one a private holiday party. I love working these events…I get the chance to read Tarot with people who have never had a reading, would probably never think to have a reading, and I love seeing their reactions as I tell them the story I see in the cards. It always amazes me, how open people are and how in to it they are, even the straight-laced financial types! I always leave those events feeling uplifted and connected, we human beings really just care about the same core things…we’re all in this together.

I’m writing this post and made this video to share with people who are learning Tarot, and to firmly remind myself, how important it is to centre and ground yourself when you are reading for yourself and others, particularly when you are reading for many people, one after the other. I have personally found myself feeling drained and wired at the same time, and have found some techniques that work for me to mitigate this situation.

Here’s the video!

Perhaps next time I’ll get into my own Tarot rituals in more depth, but for now I’d love to hear about how you ground, centre and support yourself, when you read Tarot or just in your daily life, please feel free to comment below!

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