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A Tarot Spread for Attracting Love into your Life

Love is in the Air!
Valentine’s Day is almost here, let the cards talk to you about love…The Lovers

I love Valentine’s Day…all commercialism aside, I look at it as a time to celebrate love in all it’s forms. If you have a partner, you can take a moment to slow down, to step outside of the every day world, and honour and immerse yourself in the love you feel for each other.

If you’re on your own, you can treat yourself to something special, take some time to appreciate yourself, honour yourself (for me, that was usually in the form of buying myself a heart shaped box of chocolates and diving in!).

Of course, this is also a wonderful time to consult the Tarot, to ask perhaps how you can help your current relationship to grow, how you can prepare yourself for real love, and how you can love yourself just a little bit more.

Here is a quick and to the point Tarot spread that I created to give you insight into how to prepare yourself for love, to attract love into your life:

Attracting love Tarot spread

Attracting Love Tarot Spread

1. What do I really need in a romantic partner?

This is an important question…think about what you really need, what you can do without, what is necessary to create and sustain a long lasting relationship.

2. What can I offer to a partner at this time?

Think about all you have to give, your wonderful qualities, your limitations.

3. What do I need to let go of from the past in order to embrace love?

What is holding you back? Are you carrying past disappointments and heartbreak around with you? What can you allow to slip away, so that you can prepare your heart for love?

4. What will my life look like when I find real love?

This is a little inspiration! What will love bring to you? How will it enrich your life? How will it change your life? Will it present any challenges?

5. What practical thing can I do to attract the right partner into my life?

Ask the cards what you can do TODAY, look for a tangible, actionable message in this card.

Even though February is the shortest month, it can FEEL like the longest. Why not celebrate Valentine’s Day all month long! Come from a place of love, do something you love, share the love – every day!

To get my interpretation of your cards, or to book a Love, Romance and Relationship Reading, click here!



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