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Today’s Tarot Message: What you need to know today

Today’s Tarot Message – let’s ask the cards what would be most beneficial, useful and inspiring for you to know today!

Take a nice, deep breath. Ground and center yourself, quiet your mind just for a moment.

Now, take a look at the cards, and choose number 1, 2 or 3.

Cards from Universal Waite Deck

Cards from Universal Waite Deck

What feeling did you get from your card?

Why were you drawn to that card?

Do you already have a sense of the message that it has for you?

Scroll down to see the cards revealed, and find out their message for you today.


Here’s what today’s cards have to say to you:


Cards from Universal Waite Deck

Cards from Universal Waite Deck

Card #1: The Star

A gentle healing energy to start the week. If you have been going through a difficult time, let the light of the Star rekindle a feeling of hope, faith and optimism. Open your heart and share your gifts generously.
Be the star of your own life story, let your own true light shine.

Card #2: The Fool

Give your mind a rest today, live in the moment, don’t overthink things. Approach your day with optimism and joy, adventure is out there waiting for you! You are surrounded with pure potential, make the most of it!

Card #3: Three of Wands

You have a good idea, a goal…now it’s time to make a firm plan, to have a strategy about how to move forward. Think in terms of your vision, the bigger picture, the long term…see beyond your current situation to what could be and then make it happen.

Carry your message with you today…let me know how it resonated with you, and how it factored into your day! Please comment below.


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