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How to feel like an Empress with the help of Tarot

empressTomorrow night my Tarot Circle has their monthly meeting. I always look forward to those nights…a room full of people who love Tarot, explorers who are open to the magic and messages of the cards. Believing that Spring has finally arrived, I prepared a mini-talk and practice Tarot spread focused on one of the cards that says SPRING to me most strongly, the Empress. Well, yesterday in Toronto we had a snow storm. Yes, in April. Rather than falling into despair, I decided to stick with my Spring Empress theme, preferring to ignore the snow and have faith that Spring will indeed return, as she always does.

So, in order to explore the energy of the beautiful and lush Empress, I put together a spread that looks at what I consider to be one of the key aspects of the card: PASSION.

I see the Empress as someone who follows her passions wholeheartedly and without hesitation. She cares deeply for others, and is generous and loving to the people in her realm, but this does not mean that she denies herself joy or pleasure, or always puts the well-being of others before her own. The Empress has power, demands respect, and knows how to enjoy herself. When I look at the RWS version of the card, I see someone who is so comfortable in her own skin, who knows who she is, and likes who she is. When the Empress card comes up in a reading, she is often advising the querent to allow more passion to enter their life, to feel free to go after what they are passionate about.

This spread is called Grow Your Passion. As you try it out, keep the image of that Empress in your mind…how can you embody the passion and spirit that she exudes? You can read the spread in an open or general way, or apply it to a specific situation or issue that is on your mind.

Grow Your Passion

  1. Who or what do I feel passionate about right now?

  2. What can I do to nurture and grow this passion?

  3. What is blocking me from expressing or pursuing this passion?

  4. If I follow my passion, where will it lead me?

  5. Where do I feel disconnected or disinterested?

  6. What can I do about that?



I’d love to hear how this spread spoke to you! It is very useful when you have an idea of something that you want to pursue and just need that little push or reassurance, and it also comes in handy when you are feeling disconnected, when you know that you want something more in life but just can’t figure out what that is, when you want to re-ignite your own personal passion.

What message does the Empress have for you?

Does this spread speak to you? Get me to read and interpret this spread for you! Purchase your recorded mp3 reading here.

Or, treat yourself to a LIVE reading here.

5 Responses to How to feel like an Empress with the help of Tarot

  1. Raya May 8, 2016 at 2:36 am #

    Hi Lori,

    I loved this spread, it showed a lot of court cards in Cups and Pentacles for me. However, court cards is something that I struggle with sometimes.
    What do you think a Page of Pentacles in the 3rd position symbolizes? I think that maybe it has to do with people at work who are just completing their duty but are not passionate about what they do or the workplace. Or maybe, considering the whole spread, I’m in the Page mindset when I want to be in the Queen position?
    My whole spread was 1- Queen on Pentacles
    2- The Hanged Man
    3- Page of Pentacles
    4- Queen of Cups
    5- King of Wands
    6- Knight of Cups

    I’m very curious to know what you think!

  2. innergoddesstarot May 9, 2016 at 10:23 pm #

    Hi Raya,
    Thank you for sharing your reading!
    So the Page of Pentacles in the “what is blocking me” position…it is interesting that you have the Queen of Pentacles as well in that first position. I feel that sometimes that Page is telling us that we have to give ourselves time, just as you said, you want to be a Queen, but it takes time to build up to that! Allow yourself to take the time you need to get to where you want to be. It’s ok if you make mistakes or need to learn something new, it sounds like you’re on the right track. Also, the Page is potential but it needs to be nurtured and worked at, so you don’t simply STAY in that Page place. I think the Hanged Man supports that idea as well…patience, time, surrender rather than a mad dash or reckless approach.

  3. N February 2, 2022 at 9:50 pm #


    I needed to do this spread, it was very interesting. I think it’s funny the Star card came up because I’m an Aquarius born on the 17th of February. I’m a beginner so any added interpretations would be great.
    Here are the cards I pulled.
    1. Star
    2. Wheel of Fortune
    3. 3 of Cups
    4. 2 of Wands
    5. 5 of Cups
    6. Page of Cups

    • innergoddesstarot February 3, 2022 at 3:40 pm #

      Thanks for sharing this! So the Star is you! So, you are feeling passionate about YOURSELF! I LOVE it! It is a great time to go after whatever you are wishing for in your heart of hearts.

      • N February 3, 2022 at 8:46 pm #

        Thank you for giving more insight, I always miss the “obvious” message 🙂

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