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Monday Motivation: The Fool

The Fool. Everything and nothing. Pure potential. Living purely in the present. That sacred pause before you take your first full breath and leap into the world. Being born in joy and lightness, ready to join the cosmic dance with pure abandon.

The Fool stands poised at the edge of a cliff, a beautiful figure in fine clothing that hasn’t seen dust, dirt or sweat. He literally has very little baggage, he travels light. The bright sun blesses him, his little dog is ready to leap with him, or does he warn him to look before he leaps? The Fool is about to enter the world, to experience life for the first time, but he has no fear. He knows the journey will be an epic adventure.

This was the perfect card for me this morning. I woke up feeling overwhelmed, I have so many things to do today and tomorrow, I can’t see how I’ll get them all done. I have been so preoccupied with all my chores that I lost sight of the reason for the urgency to get things in order – I am heading to New York City for the Readers Studio Tarot Conference!

I have been looking forward to Readers Studio for months. The Fool reminded me to fully experience the excitement, anticipation and joy, rather than feeling nervous or worrying. The message from the Fool for me today was to trust that all will be well, better than well, stop trying to control everything and the world will probably keep turning even if I don’t have time to get all the vacuuming and laundry done.

Here’s what I posted for my Today’s Tarot Message on Facebook:

Today’s Tarot Message: The Fool
New beginnings, pure potential, get ready to embark on a wonderful adventure. Now is the time to take that leap of faith, to start something new with optimism and faith in yourself. Travel light, no over-thinking, off you go! Be present in the moment and pay attention to the magic and possibility around you. Join the cosmic dance with pure abandon.


So what might The Fool represent in regards to a specific topic?

The Fool in Love: Take that leap of faith in to love! This is not a time for overthinking things, be spontaneous, follow your heart. If you are embarking on a new romance, try to do so without expectation, see where each day takes you.

The Fool in Career or Finances: A desire for change, to free yourself from a job that has become stagnant or heavy. The urge to quit your job and just head for the airport. If you have the opportunity for a new job or career path, it feels like a good time to make the change. Don’t dampen your Foolish enthusiasm, but it might be a good time to consult a practical friend or adviser before you make an irrevocable change.

The Fool in Well-being and Personal growth: Bring some childlike delight into your life. Move, dance, reconnect with your body. Your heart needs some lightness and joy, your mind could use a rest. Put aside your responsibilities when you can, and do something just for the fun of it.

Lori from Inner Goddess Tarot

When The Fool appears, you are being invited to experience the pure, uncomplicated joy of being alive. Just be. Make room for some fun. Do something that you’ve been wanting to do for ages. Take a leap of faith and see what happens.

Have a burning question on your mind? My One Question email reading is short, sweet and gives you the answer you need.

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