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Archive | Learn Tarot Reading


Why Am I Hanging On to this stuff? De-clutter with Tarot

Since I’ve been working mainly from home, I’ve become hyper-aware of my environment. It is now my universe, my haven, my office, my nest, my cubicle, my cave…most often my sanctuary, sometimes a claustrophobia and stir-craziness inducing place. For the past few weeks I have been spring cleaning and purging. And the fact that its […]

See Yourself Spread

Really SEE Yourself, in all your glory, with Tarot

This past weekend I read Tarot at a Divination Fair here in Toronto, in the gorgeous new space that I now call home, the Inner Arts Collective.  I had been looking forward to this event for months, but a couple of days before I came down with a lousy cold (I’ve been so healthy this year with our […]