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I’ve been thinking about the Justice card a lot lately. This card keeps appearing in my daily draws, in readings for my clients and for myself. Justice is looking right at me, at all of us, and I want to rise to her invitation, but I just don’t know what to say about what is […]


Accessing Gratitude in the Tarot

We’re in a strange time right now, wouldn’t you agree? Over the past three months, I have gone through a rich array of emotions. Anxiety. Fear. Confusion. Love. Longing. Grief, relief, disbelief. Joy. Grouchiness. Euphoria. Gratitude. And yes, these may all occur in one day. Through it all, I keep reminding myself to bring it […]


How do online or remote Tarot readings work?

I have been doing online Tarot readings for years, pretty much right from the time I went pro. I even worked for an online Psychic hotline kind of thing for about a year (I won’t go into details but I wouldn’t recommend it). Now, because of the pandemic, I am exclusively doing remote readings. I […]